Wednesday, 16 January 2013

Preparation for interview

Preparation for interview:


Congratulations, you have aninterview!  You have done well to getthis far – you are

90% of the way to getting that job. Theemployer wants to meet you to find out

more about you, to see if you will fitin the organisation, whether you are committed

and motivated and to find out moreabout your skills and achievements.

Now you need to prepare for theinterview, because if you fail to prepare, you are

preparing to fail. Whoever makes thebest impression at the interview gets the job!


What was in your CV or application formwhich interested the employer? Those being

interviewed probably have similarskills and achievements, so you need to show that

you are the right match. You need tocheck the company website and look at any

company literature (if there is any) tofind out as much as you can about the


Remind yourself what you put on yourapplication form/CV.

A valuable tool you need to prepare isa statement about yourself so you can answer

the key question which is often asked –'Why are you applying for this job?'. So

practice talking about yourself bypreparing a 'Career Statement'. Can you list two or

three things you are good at? Can youlist two or three skills and combine them all

into a sentence or two?

Make sure you know exactly where theinterview is taking place. The building may

have several floors so you need toallow time to get to the right floor. Plan your route

– how long will it take to get there?You need to allow time for problems with

transport, parking, bad weather etc.

Do you know who will be interviewingyou? This is not essential but it may give you

some idea about their focus.

If you have a disability and areconcerned about whether or not to disclose it at this

stage, go to the SKILL website( where you will find advice on this

issue. If, however, you will requireappropriate adjustments to be made during your

interview e.g. the services of aninterpreter or someone to meet you at the entrance,

then you must inform the employer ofthis beforehand.


You also need to prepare what you aregoing to wear in advance. What you wear

does not have to be new, but it doeshave to be clean and neat. Dress smartly in an

outfit which is comfortable to wear andfits. It is probably preferable to wear a suit of

a dark, plain colour and men shouldwear a tie. Women can wear a skirt or smart

trousers with a coordinating jacket.Your shoes should comfortable and clean. Your

hair should be neat and remember tokeep any jewellery to a minimum. Your visual

appearance is very important and youwant to make the right impression. Looking

good will also boost your confidence.


Take a copy of your application form/CVwith you in a folder, a pen and paper and the

interview contact number, just in caseyou are delayed and need to contact them.

Make sure you arrive in plenty of time,but not too early. About 10 minutes is perfect

as this gives you time to freshen up,calm yourself, perhaps with deep breathing

exercises and to take the opportunityto get a 'feel' of the place. Remember your

interview starts the moment you enterthe building and anyone you speak to may feed

back to the interviewer.

Be pleasant to the receptionist andtake time when waiting for your interview to note

what is happening around you. Youshould have turned off your mobile phone by

now. Can you get a feel of the atmosphereof the company? Your interview is not

just about the company finding outabout you – it is a two-way process as you should

also be finding out about what it wouldbe like to work there.

When you are called in for yourinterview take a deep breath and be C A L M. This is



Give a firm but gentle handshake whenyou meet your interviewer(s), sit when invited

to do so, make direct eye contact andremember to smile. From the moment you

meet, your communication with theinterviewer forms part of the decision-making as

to whether to recruit you; in fact mostdecisions are made within the first three

minutes! So, you need to be aware ofboth your verbal and non-verbal

communication skills.

Verbal communication

·         Show genuine interest in the position

·          Listen and answer the questions asked

·          Never argue a point

·          If you do not understand or hear a question, ask for it to be repeated

·          Do not interrupt

Non-verbal communication

Appearance and mannerisms are VERYimportant – think of body language and facial


·         Put your feet squarely on the floor or cross your legs at the ankle

·          Put anything you are carrying on the floor

·          Rest your hands in your lap

·          Nod your head to show you are listening

·          Do not fidget

·          Be serious but do not forget to smile


There are several types of interviewwhich you should be aware of. Often, the

company will tell you what to expectbut here are some examples and you will

probably experience one or more ofthese at some point in your career.

One-to-one - Probably easiest to copewith as it is less threatening

·         Probably easier to build rapport with the interviewer

·          Could be one of a series of interviews as different specialists taketurns to asses you

Panel - Probably more challenging thatone-to-one

·         Could involve facing between three to six interviewers

·          Popular with large organisations

Group - Consists of several applicantsanswering questions either individually or as

part of the group

·         Could be given a topic to discuss as a group

·         Could be asked to make a presentation either as a group or individually

Competency based

·         Increasingly used by organisations which look at key skills andqualities such as communication, problem solving and teamwork

·         Questions based on providing examples of how you possess these skillsand competencies

·         Could involve detailed and persistent questioning – be prepared to be challenged

Assessment centre (see separate handoutfrom

·         Multi-disciplinary method of assessing applicants

·         Could involve up to two days of intensive interviewing, testing andexercises

·         Could expect to experience all the above types of interview


·         Tell me about yourself

·          Why have you applied for this job?

·          Why have you applied to this company?

·          What evidence can you offer that demonstrates you have the skills we are seeking?

·          Can you give me an example of a problem you have solved?

·          Why did you choose your particular degree?

·          What are your strengths and weaknesses?

·          Where do you see yourself in five years time?

·          What do you do in your leisure time?

Many books have been written givingideas on how to answer these and hundreds

more interview questions (see sourcesof information at end). Your confidence in

answering them comes from yourpreparation. Your career statement will be a strong

support to you here as well as anyexamples you have thought about which you could

use as evidence.

You do not have to rush an answer –take a second to think about what you are going

to say. If you are asked something aboutwhich you have no knowledge, be honest

and say so.

You should also prepare some questionsyou want to ask the interviewer. This will

demonstrate that you are interested inworking for them and that you have been

actively listening throughout the interviewprocess. Here are some examples:

·         In what ways will the duties of the post change or develop in the nexttwo to three years?

·          Who will I be responsible to?

·          What is the training philosophy of the company?

·          How will my success be measured?

·           What happens next?


·         Thank the interviewer and shake hands

·         Remember that the interview does not finish until you have left thebuilding

·         If you have not heard from the company after the agreed time, contactthem to find out if they have had time to makea decision.



·         Remember that first appearances count – how you dress and act

·          Smile, make eye contact and acknowledge all members of an interviewpanel

·          Shake hands in a firm but gentle way, not crushingly strong

·          Wait to be asked to sit down

·          Make sure you sit correctly and comfortably before starting

·          Show interest

·          Answer the question asked

·          Keep positive at all times


1.      Be late

2.        Fidget or look at your watch

3.       Argue

4.       Put anything on the interviewer's desk

5.       Say anything negative

6.       Appear indifferent

7.       Appear aggressive or act in a superior way – nobody likes this!

8.       Show too much interest in money and holidays.


by sugu :-)

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